What You Need to Know
Give Up the Ghosts
As we move through 2025 — a year likely to be characterized by volatility — to improve the odds that you can maintain high-performance leasing results notwithstanding the likelihood of unexpected curve balls, it will be essential that your legal leasing process is as adaptable as possible. To supercharge that adaptability, Watch Item #10 on our 2025 Watch List: Give Up the Ghosts, provides…
2025 Watchlist — The Top Ten
Happy New Year! We are excited to share some of the things we see for 2025 (and beyond) and look forward to working with you over the coming year to maximize the value of your real estate portfolio. First is artificial intelligence: AI is a constant refrain and getting up to speed on how it can improve your bottom line should be on every real estate professional’s…
Baltimore Peninsula: A Transformative Development
I recently had the good fortune to tour Baltimore Peninsula with members of its development team. A 235-acre redevelopment project, Baltimore Peninsula is transforming a former industrial area that was known as Port Covington, into a vibrant, live-work-play community and destination. In addition to creating a once-in-a-lifetime…
Key Takeaways: ICSC Las Vegas & ULI NYC Spring Meeting
This spring, I attended the ULI Spring Meeting in my hometown, New York City, and ICSC’s annual Las Vegas convention. At both events, there was a general sense of relief, perhaps even optimism, reflecting the real estate industry’s slow but steady return to normalcy, albeit a new normal, after the seemingly never-ending…
The Lease Clause That Launched SoFi Stadium
At the recent ULI Fall Meeting in Los Angeles, I had the good fortune to tour SoFi Stadium, the state-of-the-art, relatively new home turf for the LA Rams and LA Chargers football teams. SoFi is also the $3.2B anchor of a 298-acre mixed-use development that’s been in the works for over a decade. The following is the story of how SoFi was launched.
Will the “REAL” Real Estate Market Please Stand Up
The VUCA environment. We get it. See our posts Volatility is the Name of the Game: Part 1 and Part 2. It’s hard to prepare for, feels chaotic and confusing, and the root of the problem is unclear. In other words, it’s often hard to discern what’s really going on.
High-Performance Leasing in a VUCA Environment
As we move through the first quarter of 2023, the commercial real estate industry continues to be buffeted by the headwinds of a volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous (VUCA) environment. In this post, we will share our strategies…
Volatility is the Name of the Game: Part 2
At both global real estate conferences I recently attended it was clear that Volatility is the Name of the Game across all sectors of the real estate industry. Thousands of professionals from North America, Europe, and Asia joined me at the…
COVID’s Lasting Effect on Retail Leasing
Earlier this fall, I virtually sat down with Margarita Foster at LoopNet to discuss how Covid is continuing to impact the retail real estate market. The resulting article summarizes The Sinreich Group’s experience during and after…
Volatility is the Name of the Game: Part 1
As we continue to get our collective bearings in this post-Covid new normal, my overall impression of where the retail, office, and industrial leasing markets stand can be summed up in one word: volatility.
Re-Opening the Black Box
Given the challenges of Covid, effectively managing the legal leasing process is more important now than ever. Enjoy this re-posting and stay tuned for our follow-up strategies for Covid-proofing the Black Box.
Office Leasing: What’s In Store for 2022
As we move through 2021, the office leasing market continues on its fitful journey from the 2020 Covid-induced standstill toward the equilibrium of a still-blurry new normal. The timing of the recovery…
Flexibility Beats Hardball in Legal Lease Negotiations
To ensure that post-Covid retail, office, and industrial leases are successfully completed, notwithstanding constantly evolving challenges in each of these market sectors, we’ve devised strategies for…
2021: What’s In Store for Retail
Ellen Sinreich brought together a group of retail real estate professionals for an ICSC Legal Forum webinar addressing the likely ramifications of Covid on brick-and-mortar retail in 2021 and beyond.
A Crisis is a Terrible Thing to Waste
As we look ahead to 2021 from our vantage point as commercial leasing attorneys, it’s clear the rules of the game are changing. Landlords and tenants nimble enough to adapt will enjoy significant advantage…
Leasing in the Time of Covid: Meeting the Challenges
In the face of the sobering realities we’re confronting — a pandemic, shutdowns, governmental mandates, social distancing, and shifting consumer behavior — will your legal leasing process meet the challenges of a post-Covid world?
Hudson Yards: Future or Folly?
Fans refer to it as one of the greatest transformations of a grossly underutilized part of NYC and critics deride it as a sanitized playground pandering to the rich. According to a recent analysis by The New School, public…
What the Future Holds
As 2019 looms ever larger on the horizon, we’ve shifted our focus to what’s in store for the real estate industry in the new year, based on the Emerging Trends in Real Estate 2019 report recently published by PwC and the Urban Land Institute.
In the Weed(s) Part 3
In September 2015, when we published our first In the Weed(s) post about cannabis-related real estate, medical marijuana had been legalized in ten states (plus D.C.), five of which had also legalized cannabis for recreational use.
Rags to Riches?
Earlier this year, I visited Asbury Park, New Jersey, which, like Detroit, suffered a prolonged decline after enjoying a storied past. In Asbury’s case, its good fortune was fueled by a seaside location and thriving music scene.