What You Need to Know

Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich

Time Kills Deals

As we head into the dog days of summer, the importance of keeping everyone’s foot on the gas pedal during commercial lease negotiations is magnified, given the tempting distractions of summer. Adhering to this ‘urgency mandate’…

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Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich

Back to Black

As the real estate industry braces for what is likely to be a challenging point in the boom/bust cycle, getting each commercial lease over the finish line takes on greater importance and requires greater finesse. As each lease...

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Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich

Office Space Evolving

This month we explore the intersection of corporate real estate and the co-working revolution that is transforming office use globally. This was the topic of conversation at a recent meeting of Fortune 100 company real estate executives…

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Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich

Reading Tea Leaves

As a strong 2017 accelerates to a close, we’ve picked our heads up for a moment to look ahead. Here’s what we see in two of the real estate sectors that we’re active in, based on our own book of business, industry forecasts…

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Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich

In the Weed(s) Part 2

If you’re thinking that the cultivation, transformation, or retail distribution of cannabis would be a good use for your property, keep in mind that the use, cultivation, and transportation of marijuana is illegal under federal law…

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Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich

Over Our Heads

As we move into the fall season of a year studded by hard-to-conceive-of events, capped (so far) by the horrific devastation of Hurricanes Harvey and Irma, we are struck by two recent hard-to-believe innovations that could further…

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Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich

A Fresh Perspective

Spring is (finally) in the air and it’s a great time to evaluate what your company stands to gain by taking advantage of the fresh perspective new leasing counsel can provide. Here are three ways that a new attorney can save you time and money…

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Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich

The Devil You Know

As we move further into the new year, change is palpably in the air. The inclination to cling to what’s comfortable and familiar is being challenged everywhere. From our vantage point on the front lines of the legal leasing process…

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Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich

A Brave New World

With or without the Affordable Care Act, the healthcare landscape will continue to evolve, and it's altogether likely that today’s urgent care center, which did not exist yesterday, will be unrecognizable tomorrow.

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Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich

Making Sense of It All

Having just witnessed one of the most important transitions in U.S. and world history with the 2016 Presidential election, and having just participated in ULI’s Fall Meeting and the ICSC Law Conference, I’m focused on making sense of it all.

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Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich

The Giant Petri Dish

Attending ULI and ICSC conferences is like being in a giant petri dish where I (and my colleagues) can focus on improving the fundamental underpinnings of the legal leasing process in ways that are not possible when we are back at our desks.

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Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich

Digging Deeper

Now that fall is upon us, we are enjoying the immediacy of meeting our clients’ third-quarter leasing goals. Our success in meeting these goals, quarter after quarter, is fueled by a holistic approach to the legal leasing process…

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Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich Industry Insights Ellen Sinreich

Breaking Bad Habits

We recently attended two real estate conferences: the ULI Spring Meeting in Philadelphia, and the ICSC annual RECON show in Las Vegas. We shared market intel with thousands of real estate colleagues about getting deals done while the…

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