What You Need to Know
Hitting the Curve Ball
As the 2016 presidential race picks up steam, we are moving full speed ahead to meet our clients’ Q1 leasing goals. We love the quickening pace and thought this would be a great time to share some of our Moments of Truth strategies for…
A National Perspective
As we enthusiastically move into 2016, our mood reflects the collective optimism enjoyed by many in the real estate industry. This quote captures the spirit beautifully: The next 24 months look doggone good for real estate.
Up in the Air
As the leaves swirl around us, year-end goals come into sharper focus and I marvel at how we keep so many balls in the air. Speaking of what’s up in the air, there is a rapidly-emerging, technologically-enabled species of airborne vehicles…
Urban vs Suburban Retail
The NY Operations Committee of ICSC presented a panel discussion about the pros and cons of developing and investing in urban vs suburban retail projects. Topics included differences in costs, design, operational efficiencies, and…
Ten Ways to Increase Revenues and Cut Costs
Ellen Sinreich co-presented a workshop at the ICSC 2015 Law Conference about how retail landlords can increase revenues and cut costs. Strategies for increasing efficiencies and minimizing waste across a wide…
Seize the Moment
Fall, the season when things speed up, is upon us. Our clients are focused on year-end deadlines and we’re focused on meeting those deadlines. My strategies for making sure this happens are all about carefully managing the Black Box of the legal leasing…
In the Weed(s)
As we continue to focus on the 2020 lease, we’ve realized that there is a whole new category of uses that some commercial landlords and tenants are engaging in, but that no commercial lease we have ever seen contemplates or permits.
Envisioning the 2020 Lease
As time marches on, the inevitability of change is a constant reality for all of us in the real estate industry. In past blog posts, we’ve highlighted how the built environment is evolving in response to changing demographics, technology…
Penalty or Remedy: Co-Tenancy Clauses
Ellen Sinreich was a panelist at an American Bar Association webinar about the recent California Court of Appeals decision on the enforceability of so-called “co-tenancy clauses” in retail leases.
Game Changers
Although real estate industry professionals have been notoriously slow in adapting to technological innovation, newly emerging technologies are creating compelling opportunities for value creation that can’t be ignored.
The Conference Round-Up
Exuberant is the word I would use to capture the mood on the recent real estate conference circuit that took me from New York to Houston for ULI’s Spring Meeting and then to Las Vegas for ICSC’s annual RECon convention. The reasons for this…
The 360 Lease Review
In our recent Black Box series of posts, we exposed what the legal process of commercial leasing is: a balancing act along two intersecting axes of conflict that ultimately results in a finalized lease. Understanding what goes on…
Black Box Part 3: Managing in the Red Zone
Our Black Box series on the legal leasing process concludes this month with Part 3 of our secret sauce for managing what goes on during that often-dreaded and little-understood process. This month we bring our focus to the red zone…
Black Box Part 2: Get It All vs Accommodate
Part 2 of our Black Box series on the legal leasing process focuses on managing the simultaneous conflict on the axis between each party’s desire to get it all and the need to accommodate the other side so there’s a meeting of the minds.
Black Box Part 1: Precision vs Urgency
Our focus today is the precision vs urgency axis: the conflict between the need to get everything right and the reality that time kills deals. To effectively traverse this axis, the starting point with every client is to earn the right to move fast.
Opening the Black Box
In this post, I’m going to open up the black box — the occasionally welcomed, but most often dreaded and little understood legal process of commercial leasing — and in the next two posts, I am going to share my secret sauce for managing it.
RetailGreen 2014: The Value of Green Leases
Ellen Sinreich led an interactive boardroom session on the value of green leases at ICSC’s RetailGreen conference. Ellen and the participants focused on how to overcome the “split-incentive” disincentive so that…
Real Estate Pioneers Honored
I’m delighted to share that I was recognized last week as a “Pioneering Woman in Real Estate.” Eleven (female) co-honorees and I were selected for outstanding accomplishments in real estate, a field still dominated by men.
A View From The Top
I recently attended A Breakfast in the C Suite with Bill Taubman, the COO of Taubman Centers, which develops, owns, and operates regional malls throughout the U.S. and Asia. It was a rare opportunity to gain insight into one of the most…
Back to School Roundup on Student Housing
Now that everyone is back in school, we thought you'd appreciate a synopsis of current student housing trends that were presented at the recent 2014 Bisnow Annual Student Housing conference. We think student housing…